Unbiased Reporting

What I post on this Blog does not mean I agree with the articles or disagree. I call it Unbiased Reporting!

Isabella Brooke Knightly and Austin Gamez-Knightly

Isabella Brooke Knightly and Austin Gamez-Knightly
In Memory of my Loving Husband, William F. Knightly Jr. Murdered by ILLEGAL Palliative Care at a Nashua, NH Hospital

Friday, June 21, 2013

A Tribute to NH Republican Lawmaker Stella Tremblay

A Tribute to NH Republican Lawmaker Stella Tremblay | The Unmasking of Maine....and Beyond:

A truly great American, Stella Tromblay, born in Italy, a New Hampshire State Representative, recently resigned. As her friend and admirer, I can say to everyone, she did not resign from pressure. The criticisms of her opposition were based upon her deeply conservative philosophy, and her ability to question the seemingly senseless agenda of those who oppose the rights of the people. Stella was a rock, the immovable object, in the House Committee on Redress of Grievances. In the New Hampshire constitution, Part the First, Articles 31 & 32, are the ingredients with which people rule over their public servants. Stella, was the servant who cracked the whip and stood the ground for the people.
Stella was the lone, dog soldier in many cases. She and I spent many hours talking about the problems people face with what seems to be a government. It clearly is NOT. All we really have is an OCCUPATION of foreign interests. The occupiers are in the District of Columbia. They are throughout the foreign corporation; UNITED STATES OF AMERICA 4. “4″ is there because the first three bankruptcies have been discharged. “Discharged” into the future, or by agenda, perpetuity for those enslaved by the occupiers, the B.A.R. ASSOCIATION, the Inns of the Court, for the Rothschild Banksters, the Crown.
Whenever someone brings law into the General Court, which is what Stella did, they shall become the target of the perpetuators of the bankruptcy. The mission of the B.A.R. ASSOCIATION is to conceal, protect, and perpetuate the bankruptcy, martial law, and to enslave the people.
Stella sat on the Redress of Grievances Committee as she heard and investigated petition after petition after petition, demonstrating and proving that the victims and their families were shattered and beaten down by the most god-awful court corruption. I remember the look on Stella’s face when she learned that these aren’t “courts” at all. She learned that they’re purely corporate pirates. They steal the energy of the people for their own profit. She learned that the “courts” take a percentage of the proceeds for their retirements. She learned that they follow no law, no oath, no rules, no morals, no decency, and of course, not the will of the people. She touches upon this in her letter of resignation.
Several times, Stella had to battle the OFFICE OF LEGISLATIVE SERVICES over and over again to get the B.A.R. attorneys there to stop changing the wording in HB638, so as to conceal the history of how the B.A.R was forbidden from government offices by ARTICLE XIII, aka the Thirteenth Amendment. They kept the truth from publication, just as they keep the original, organic constitution from publication.
Stella loves the people, she loves America, she loves God. Well, of course, Stella loves the truth. Whenever we talk about New Hampshire, she stays dedicated to her service to the people, the victims of a great fraud foisted upon the people. Her time on the Redress Committee made progress for the Petitioners.
In a minute, I’m going to post some of the history of HB638 for the benefit of the people. Folks, the “like” button is a great tool for acknowledgement, but please, spread it to others. Within this story are the roots of the history of what we once had. Share the story. Awaken your friends, family, neighbors, colleagues, and yourselves!”

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