Unbiased Reporting

What I post on this Blog does not mean I agree with the articles or disagree. I call it Unbiased Reporting!

Isabella Brooke Knightly and Austin Gamez-Knightly

Isabella Brooke Knightly and Austin Gamez-Knightly
In Memory of my Loving Husband, William F. Knightly Jr. Murdered by ILLEGAL Palliative Care at a Nashua, NH Hospital

Wednesday, April 10, 2013

Are There ANY Ethical Family Court Judges In New Hampshire?

Just so disgusted with the Family Court Judges in NH and their unethical practices, I beg to question if there are ANY in this State who practice in an ethical manner.
Are there any Family Court Judges who don't bow down to NH DCYF and their deceitful practices?
Are there any who don't let DCYF pull their strings? Are there any who really work for Justice in NH or do they ALL coetow to DCYF's whims and false allegation's? All bias against parent's? All who rule on "Hearsay" without proof of guilt? Judges who disregard Federal mandates, in the placement of children with relatives before Foster care?
 NH Judges who terminate parents rights even when the parent is proven innocent?
 Judges who terminate fictitious father's right's, knowing full well they have the wrong man? Never contacting the REAL Father? 
Never allowing the REAL Father his day in Court? 
Never allowing the REAL Father Paternity testing? And then allowing the adoption of  these illegally stolen children?
I know DCYF get's bonus money for these illegally stolen children, but what's in it for the Judges? They must get something out of not abiding by the Law. Really, what's in it for them? 
How do we get our stolen children back when there isn't one Family Court Judge in this State, or Supreme Court Judge who will go against the almighty DCYF? A Judge who will right the wrongs of the unethical Judges who rule against innocent families daily? A Judge who will follow his Canons and prosecute the false accuser's? Are there any NH Judges out there who fit this Bill? So far, there are none to my knowledge.
When the NH Legislature rules that a parent has been unjustly accused, their child stolen illegally and adopted out illegally, why is there no Judge to step up and return the child? Why isn't the illegal adoption and illegal termination of parental rights reversed? What must a parent or grandparent do? Does the State want more Lawsuits? What good does a lawsuit do when the NH Court's have it out for parent's and grandparents? Why aren't there jury trials? Jury's whose strings can't be pulled by DCYF?
Will there ever be justice for NH families? Are there ANY ethical Family Court Judges in NH or is that just a dream that will never come true?
If there are any ethical Family Court Judges in NH, I would appreciate a response. If I don't get ANY responses, everyone will know just how many Family Court Judges in NH practice ethically.

Still waiting for Justice and the return of my Grandchildren!
Unhappy Grammy

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