Unbiased Reporting

What I post on this Blog does not mean I agree with the articles or disagree. I call it Unbiased Reporting!

Isabella Brooke Knightly and Austin Gamez-Knightly

Isabella Brooke Knightly and Austin Gamez-Knightly
In Memory of my Loving Husband, William F. Knightly Jr. Murdered by ILLEGAL Palliative Care at a Nashua, NH Hospital

Saturday, March 31, 2012

Criminals Have More Right's Than Parent's

Criminals Have More Right's Than Parent's

NH HB 591 concerning Determination of Parental Rights and Responsibilities; Best Interest, for some very STRANGE reason was Tabled by the NH House with a vote of 113-167. This Bill definitely should have passed. What is the problem? We need to put families first!
Relative to the determination of parental rights based on the best interest of the child; relative to grounds for modification of an order regarding parental rights and responsibilities, and relative to grandparent and stepparent visitation rights.

NH children, their parent's, their grandparent's and their entire families are being harmed each and every day by the NH Family Judicial system.
The "Best Interest's" of our children and grandchildren are NOT considered in their care and custody. The only thing considered is the money to be made off the backs of mother's and father's in the fight for their very much loved children, torn apart by an unjust Family Judicial system.
When one parent poison's the court with false allegation's without proof, should that parent be rewarded with full custody of the child created by both parent's?
Should our innocent children suffer because their parent's don't see eye to eye?
Should our innocent children be alienated by the custodial parent out of spite and hatred and kept from their loving mother/father and other family member's?

And yes, criminals DO have more right's than parent's. They're allowed Due Process, Jury trials, Open Court, Court appointed CRIMINAL Lawyer's AND thy're allowed to admit evidence proving their innocence. They can prove their innocence at any time and be exonerated and set free, unlike parent's who aren't allowed to even admit evidence proving innocence. Admittance of Hearsay is NOT allowed as it is in Family Court, though  CRAWFORD v. WASHINGTON SUPREME COURT RULES 9-0 states Hearsay is not to be admitted(2004). Parent's and families are allowed None Of The Above and are treated so much worse than criminal's. Losing a child is worse than being behind bar's. It's worse than death! So why such harsh punishment for a Parent?

Why is there no emphasis on the word FAMILY in the NH Family Court's? Are they unclear of the meaning of what a Family really is? Or is the money they make off these broken families too important?
It's quite obvious the NH Family Justice system need's to look up the definition of Family, because they clearly don't have a clue.


  [fam-uh-lee, fam-lee]  Show IPA noun,plural -lies, adjective
a basic social unit consisting of parents and theirchildren, considered as a group, whether dwellingtogether or not: the traditional family.
a social unit consisting of one or more adults togetherwith the children they care for: a single-parent family.
the children of one person or one couple collectively: We want a large family.
the spouse and children of one person: We're taking thefamily on vacation next week.
any group of persons closely related by blood, as parents,children, uncles, aunts, and cousins: to marry into a sociallyprominent family.
all those persons considered as descendants of a common progenitor. 

NH need's to have Shared Parenting. 50/50 would be an excellent start and children should NOT be kept from their grandparent's and other family member's they've grown to love.
Why is it so hard to just get along, for our children's sake's? Alienating a child from from their parent's and other family member's is just wrong and downright selfish!
Put it this way, if NOT for your spouse or significant other, or even the grandparent's, would your child even be in existence today?
A message to the NH Family Court's: Stop the needless desecration of our families with your bias and greed. Treat families with the respect in which you want to be treated. And STOP admitting Hearsay without proof of guilt!
And Parent's: Stop harming your children by keeping them from their mother/father and their entire families.
Put your children first and foremost in your lives. Stop the tug of war. You are only hurting your children. Stop being selfish!

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