Unbiased Reporting

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Isabella Brooke Knightly and Austin Gamez-Knightly

Isabella Brooke Knightly and Austin Gamez-Knightly
In Memory of my Loving Husband, William F. Knightly Jr. Murdered by ILLEGAL Palliative Care at a Nashua, NH Hospital

Thursday, August 19, 2010

I Guess There Are No NH Lawyer's With Balls To Free Austin Knightly From The Corrupt DCYF

Austin Knightly, Stolen By Nashua, NH DCYF on February 3rd, 2006
Austin and Grampie

Isabella Knightly Stolen by Nashua, NH DCYF on October 3rd, 2005

Back in August of 2009, a good friend wrote an article on his web-site as to finding a Lawyer in New Hampshire with ball's. Well, we never came up with one, because evidently there aren't any. Not in NH any way. They're all afraid of NH DCYF and the NH court's. Their all chicken. They know helping falsely accused parent's will go against them in court. The Judges won't give them any cases.
I spoke to one Lawyer who told me about two Lawyer's in NH who went up against DCYF in NH and were disbarred. Another NH Lawyer, that I know of in NH, who hates DCYF as much as the rest of us, was retaliated against by taking on DCYF cases and had his/her license suspended for six month's. This Lawyer no longer takes on new client's.
I've tried to get a Pro-Bono Lawyer through the state and tried to get legal assistance and was told the state will NOT pay for a Lawyer to go after DCYF, because DCYF is a state agency. It's funny how parent's and families have no right's. The state will pay for a Lawyer for an accused criminal, yet families are less important than criminal's.
Accused criminal's have more rights than parent's. If new evidence arises after a criminal conviction, even years and years later, the accused criminal is set free. Wow, is he lucky! When new evidence arises six month's after a parent is found guilty of abuse or neglect, too bad! The words of the Judge. It's too late. The parent only has thirty day's after the adjudicatory hearing to file for a De-Novo appeal in Superior Court. When the parent's court-appointed Puppet refuses to file the appeal, it automatically goes against the parent. As for the new evidence, the Nashua Hospital and Health Center who work with DCYF, have a habit of conveniently misplacing case files until long after the child is stolen, giving the parent a snowball's chance in hell of ever getting their child back. Holding back case files is ILLEGAL, but when their working with DCYF, anything goes. I wonder how much they get for a kickback for every child they help DCYF steal.
When will the fraud and corruption end? Is there anybody within the government who cares about the families being screwed over by DCYF and the courts? This corruption isn't just happening in NH. It's Nationwide. Our children have become a huge money market for the states. The more children they steal, the more money our Federal Government gives them. Then when DCYF lies and falsify's document's, just to make sure the children aren't returned, our Federal government gives them even more money to adopt the kids out. What a racket. What will it take for our Federal Government to investigate the fraudulent practices of DCYF? Are they that naive, that they don't know DCYF is NOT following Federal mandates in aquireing Federal money ILLEGALLY?
So NO, there are NO Lawyer's in NH with balls! Austin was auctioned off to the highest bidder in December of 2009, supposedly, as stated by DCYF. His name was changed way before the adoption. Illegal, YES!


  1. With the way this corrupt court system is I doubt any attorney could do any good. We must gather in the masses and DEMAND CHANGE! These people are stealing our children.

  2. Yes we must gather in masses. Their day will come!

  3. You are right the lawyers are afraid of the judges, all is preplanned long before you even get there . But there are loop holes and OTHER courts like . Working on it

  4. Don't even waste your breath with Maggie Bishop mauchhusen by proxy MY PROFESSIONAL DIAGNOSIS
