Unbiased Reporting

What I post on this Blog does not mean I agree with the articles or disagree. I call it Unbiased Reporting!

Isabella Brooke Knightly and Austin Gamez-Knightly

Isabella Brooke Knightly and Austin Gamez-Knightly
In Memory of my Loving Husband, William F. Knightly Jr. Murdered by ILLEGAL Palliative Care at a Nashua, NH Hospital

Monday, March 29, 2010

The Power of Words - Foster Care Providers

The Power of Words - Foster Care Providers

Written by Brenda Alexander-CPS-A System Out Of Control

Posted: 28 Mar 2010 10:22 PM PDT

It seems a small thing, saying foster mother or father but to the biological parent whose children have been stolen by CPS, it is huge. We either carried these children for 9 months, gave birth, raised and nurtured them or, in the case of a father, he helped to create this remarkable human being. By virtue of that alone, you are a mother or father. Regardless of what CPS tells you or your children, YOU are their mother or father. You are they're parent.

Foster care providers are just that...they are supposed to provide interim care until the real parents are finally able to regain custody of their children. Only in extreme cases of abuse and neglect should a child ever be placed up for adoption out of the foster care system. Yet thousands of parental rights are terminated every single day in this country because stealing children and selling them to adopters are the norm these days. The federal government gives the states millions of dollars each year, earned off the backs of your children. They get money from the Adoption and Safe Families Act (ASFA); Title IV-E funding; Medicaid and Medicaid fraud; child support from the biological parents, SSI and disability. The more "special needs" labels you can paste on the child, the more money the state gets.

Also, it use to be that when a foster care provider adopted a child, the money stopped pouring in. Oh, that's not the way it is now. Foster care providers continue to get money each month (between $600 and $900 per child/per month) until they reach 18. It's interesting to me that we're now hearing of all these homeless 18 year olds that the states are trying to help because they were kicked out of their "foster" home the day they turned 18. Now the government is saying they'll continue to give them money up to the age of 21 IF they are allowed to stay in the foster home!

Let me ask you an honest question. How many biological parents do you personally know who have kicked their 18 year old child out of the home without a job, money, place to go, etc? Me? I don't know of any but that's just me. Do you think it might have something to do with the fact that all this "love" that fosters talk about (saying stupid stuff like "I do it because I LOVE the children") is really the love of money? They want that 18 year old gone so they can make room for their next little nest egg.

So please, when you write articles, emails, letters to government officials, etc., use the term "foster care provider" rather than "foster parents." They haven't earned that right. When it stops being about the money then maybe they'll deserve the other word but until them, don't give them more power than they already have.

Note from unhappygrammy:I personally call them foster "stranger's", because that's all they are is stranger's to our illegally stolen children. Only strangers would hold our children hostage for CPS/DCYF.

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